




Expiry Date



Agreement & Release of All Liability


By signing this form, I acknowledge that I willingly choose to participate with Calgary Lifelong Learning Centre’s (CLLC) Experiential Learning Program in Canada 2018 tour program. In doing so, I am fully aware of and understand the risks inherent in such a program including but not limited to risks associated with health, political instability or natural disasters. I understand and voluntarily accept all risk of personal injury and property damage, which might arise from my participation in the program. I understand that if CLLC decides to alter or cancel the tour program or evacuate me to a safer place and I choose not to leave, I will be independent from the program and CLLC will not be responsible for me.

  • I agree to abide by professional and cultural standards of contact, to obey the laws of the country, to respect standards of dress and personal appearance and conduct. Further, I will take care of personal property. CLLC is not responsible for missing or stolen goods.
  • I understand that the success of a CLLC tour program rests in part on the cooperation and goodwill of participants. I therefore fully intend to make all reasonable efforts to follow the instructions and guidance of the CLLC staff and to act for the benefit of all involved. I further understand that CLLC, at its sole discretion, may remove me from the program at any time and that I may, in such situation, become fully responsible for the costs and consequences of no longer being a part of the program.
  • I understand that while CLLC makes every effort to offer an accurate representation of the tour program, CLLC cannot guarantee that any particular aspects of the program will transpire as initially intended. I also understand that CLLC bears no responsibility for my health or comfort overseas, nor during my travel to and from the country where the tour program takes place.
  • I am aware that operating an automobile, motorcycle, motorbike, or motor scooter may subject me to the risk of serious personal injury or death and to the risk of liability for injuries to others. I agree that if I choose to operate a motor vehicle while participating in the CLLC program, I release CLLC from responsibility for injury, damage, losses or claims arising from this operation. I voluntarily assume full responsibility for any injuries, damages or losses that may be incurred in an accident. I understand further that riding as a passenger on any automobile, motorcycle, motorbike or motor scooter subjects me to the risk of serious injury or death and I, my family and heirs release CLLC from responsibility for any injury, damage, loss or claims as a result.
  • I understand that CLLC and its operators act only as agents for the passenger with respect to transportation arrangements and exercise every care possible in doing so. I understand that CLLC assumes no liability for injury, damage, loss, accident, delay or irregularity in connection with the service of any airplane, automobile, boat, motor-coach, bus, launch or any other conveyance used in carrying out this program or for the acts or defaults of any company or person engaged in conveying the passenger or in carrying out the arrangements of the program.
  • I am aware that CLLC cannot accept any responsibility for losses or additional expenses due to delay or changes in air or other services, sickness, weather, strike, war, quarantine, force majeure or other causes beyond CLLC’s control. I understand that I will bear all such losses or expenses as tour rates provide arrangements only for the time stated. I understand that CLLC reserves the right to alter the published itinerary as may be deemed necessary, including, the right to cancel any program prior to departure in which case payments, but not the non-refundable deposit to CLLC, will be refunded without further obligation on CLLC’s part. I also understand that CLLC reserves the right to decline or retain any person as a member of the program.
  • I understand that no refund will be made for an unused portion of the tour unless arrangements are made in sufficient time to avoid penalties. I am aware that I carry baggage at my own risk entirely. I understand that the airlines are not to be held responsible for any act, omission or event during the time passengers are not on board their plane or conveyance. I am aware that neither CLLC nor its operators accept liability for any carrier’s cancellation penalty incurred by the purchase of a non-refundable ticket connected with the tour. I am aware that program price is based on rates in effect at the time the trip brochure is available and is subject to change without notice to reflect fluctuations in exchange rates, tariffs or fuel charges.
  • Accordingly, by signing below, I release (if I am under 18 years of age, my parents, by signing, also release) Calgary Lifelong Learning Centre (CLLC) and its directors, officers, employees, and agents from any and all liability and claims arising from property damage, personal injury (including death), expenses, or other losses that I may suffer or incur as a result of my participation in the program.
