In order to encourage young people to make good use of their leisure time in summer, and to actualize the Chinese proverb that “travelling ten thousand miles is more gainful than reading ten thousand books”, the Calgary Lifelong Learning Centre, by adopting a student-oriented approach, has organized the Experiential Learning Program in Canada 2018, with meaningful activities and experiences.

  1. To Understand Canadian Culture & Cultivate New Perspectives

    The diversified learning opportunities provided by the program aim to enable the students to acquire new knowledge and expand their perspectives regarding the history and culture of Canada through various outings and participation in group activities.

  2. To Enhance English Proficiency

    Through active participation in classes, and interaction with local language buddies, the English language proficiency of the students will be enhanced.

  3. To Develop Potential

    The various program activities are designed to improve the students’ independence, increase their self-confidence and develop leadership skills.

  4. To Foster a Positive Outlook on Life

    Life education workshops and group sharing will offer opportunities for the students to improve their self-understanding, and to reflect on the meaning of life and their personal goals for the future.

  5. To Expand Interpersonal Network and Enhance Social Skills

    The study tour will provide students with opportunities for meeting new friends and for living with their peers, which will enhance social skills and provide valuable experiences for personal growth.