The Augustana Campus of the University of Alberta and the Calgary Centre for Lifelong Learning invite you to participate in the Augustana English Immersion Experience (AEIE). This 10-day learning opportunity encourages Hong Kong secondary school students to build on foundational language skills by applying their knowledge for everyday learning and developmental purposes. The program takes a theme-based, team-learning approach to language acquisition and emphasizes oral English skills. By integrating native speakers into the classroom as language buddies and providing daily Canadian cultural experiences, AEIE immerses students in an authentic English environment where utilization leads to innovation.

The 10-day program focuses on the skills necessary for the DSE by exploring three broad themes of Self, The World, and Others. In the classroom, language buddies, who are local native English speakers, assist students in small groups where reading and listening exercises introduce the theme for the day. Small group writing and presentation exercises allow students to explore various perspectives on the subject. These topics prepare students for afternoon and evening activities.

Excursions in the community during the afternoon and evening provide students with authentic language experiences. These excursions are planned in accordance with the classroom themes, allowing students to practice expressions, gain vocabulary, and have a base knowledge of a topic before entering into the Camrose and surrounding community. Highlights of previous programs included First-Nations Pow-Wow celebration, teachings and dance performance; environmental center visit and birds-of-prey presentation; and Ukrainian Village visit and pysanky making workshop. This experiential learning is integrated into the student experience through three public debates that take place during the program.

Each theme is capped with a public debate that brings all classes and instructors together. As a variety of debate styles are introduced in class, students are well prepared to conduct a debate involving teachers, language buddies, chaperones from Hong Kong, and fellow students. The afternoon debate allows for a progression from presentation to group conversation, and finally to classic debate.

The course will focus on the following language skills:

• Speaking, especially presentation, discussion, and debate skills.

• Utilizing typical phrases for informal conversation and formal presentations.

• Expanding vocabulary learning through a theme-based approach.

• Promoting creative and critical thinking through various classroom activities.

The following debate styles will be used to develop critical thinking and speaking skills:

Think-pair-share: Students consider the topic and make individual notes. After the allotted time, students work in pairs to create a list of arguments, both for and against. Two pairs are then put together and must come to a consensus of which side to support. Each group of four shares their conclusions with the whole class.

Four corner debate: Students self-select into groups representing a continuum from strongly disagree to strongly agree. Each corner must develop their argument for their position. After each corner shares their position, students are allowed to switch their corner. Each group writes a single paragraph to summarize the group’s position.

Fishbowl debate: An inner circle of students are chosen to represent the positions in the debate. An outer circle of audience members pose their respective questions to the debaters as they arise. If those in the class circle have a question, they can trade into an audience member’s position to ask their question.

Three-card debate: Each student is given 3 cards to use during the discussion. Each time a student makes a comment, he/she must surrender one of their cards. Once the student uses all the cards, he/she cannot make further comment until all students have used their cards.

Classic debate: Time limits are determined and individuals on each side of the classic debate must provide their arguments, rebuttals and closing statements.


Download a PDF of sample lessons for the English Immersion program by clicking the button below. Themes of the lessons include exploration of the self, the world and others. These topics are explored by examining sources including literature, philosophy, art and culture, among others.


The community of Camrose is a welcoming place with ample opportunity to interact with everyday Canadians. Depending on the timing of the group visit, some of the following activities will make this study tour unforgettable!


Host Family Dinner
Participants are divided into groups of 2-4 and invited to dinner in the home of a community member. Participants have an authentic language experience as they get to see a Canadian home first-hand.

Bethany Senior’s Home Visit
The Bethany group operates various levels of care facilities for the Seniors of Camrose. A visit to Bethany includes a tour of the facilities, a performance opportunity for participants to share their own culture and talent, and a tea-time visit. The seniors love to chat about their own experiences in life and to hear about life in other countries.

High School Tour
It’s always fascinating to see the familiar in the foreign. A visit to the local high school allows a side-by-side comparison of life in Canada verses life at home.

Local Leaders Lunch
Local leaders in business, politics, philanthropy and ecology gather to greet the participants over a lunch time visit. The meet-and-greet allows participants to ask questions and gain insight into the community.


First Nations Pow Wow
The Canadian First Nations put on a spectacular event full of dancing, artisan tents, food vendors and First Nations music. The group is invited to participate in the Intertribal Dance and to watch the colourful display of traditional First Nations regalia.

Community Celebrations
Camrose has a number of festivals throughout the summer and, depending on the timing of the tour, groups may be able to participate. Some of Camrose’s best known and largest festivals are: Canada Day Celebrations, the Purple Martin Festival, the Big Valley Jambouree, and Be A Tourist In Your Own Town.


• Wild Animal Rescue
Canada is renowned for its natural landscapes and wild animals. The bird rehabilitation centre delivers educational programs throughout the province, often bringing some of the rehabilitated owls, hawks and falcons with them!

• Battle River Watershed
The Battle River is the waterway that feeds the Camrose area. This group provides scientific tours of our watershed, helping us to see our impact on the water system and to preserve and protect this beautiful and essential resource.

• Augustana Purple Martin Foundation
Camrose boasts an extensive trail system that is dotted with Purple Martin breeding boxes. The Augustana campus has professors who are experts on the birds and are willing to tour around to see the hatchlings.


• Drumheller Royal Tyrell Museum
Home of some of the most spectacular specimens of dinosaurs in the world, the Royal Tyrell Museum has thousands of visitors every year. Surrounded by the Alberta Badlands, this area is as beautiful as it is fascinating.

• Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Centre
Ukrainian influence is heavy in the Alberta Prairies. The Cultural Heritage Centre has preserved this history by building a historic townsite where visitors can step back more than 100 years in time. A special feature is a Psyanka-making workshop where participants try their hand at traditional egg decorating.

• West Edmonton Mall
Of course, no trip is complete without a little shopping. The West Edmonton Mall is among the largest in the world and boasts many brand-name stores alongside a full amusement park, a water park, and multiple animal shows.

• Historic Camrose
Camrose and District Museum, Camrose Railway Museum, the Historic Bailey Theatre, and the downtown Historic District are all attractions that make Camrose a unique space in central Alberta. Through municipal and provincial effort, Camrose has been able to maintain its rural charm.