If any student wishes to leave the group before the end of the tour, this will be treated as a voluntary withdrawal. In such cases, the student/parent will not receive any refund from the Centre, and the student/parent will be responsible for paying all additional costs related to the student’s transportation back to Hong Kong, including airfare.

If any students are unable to attend classes or participate in scheduled activities for personal or health reasons, the student /parent will not receive any refund for the missed classes or activities.

If any student repeatedly violates rules (as outlined by their school in Hong Kong) after receiving formal written warning from the accompanying teachers or the staff of the Centre, the student concerned may be asked to withdraw from the group. In such cases, the student/parent will not receive any refund from the Centre, and the student/parent will be responsible for paying all additional costs related to the student’s transportation back to Hong Kong, including airfare.

If any student withdraws prior to the departure of the study tour from Hong Kong, the student concerned is required to inform the Centre via his/her participating school in writing or by email. All fees, which have been paid, are not refundable.

If any student is declined entry to, or exit from, either Hong Kong or Canada, due to invalid travel documents or other personal/legal problems, the Centre assumes no responsibility for any appeal on the student’s behalf. Any fees paid will not be refunded or transferred.

If any student/parent fails to pay the fees according to the schedule above, the student will not be allowed to participate in the group, and all fees, which have already been paid, will not be refunded.